Thursday, June 23, 2011

The phone is ringing so I say "HELLO?" (part II)

If you're like me and misplace your cell phone about once a day, then you need to bookmark this website on your computer: ICan'

It's a free service, and you can enter your number online so the site will call your phone. This morning I searched high and low and could NOT find my stupid phone. It'd been missing since yesterday.

Guess where I found it...

In the depths of my diaper bag. I'm really starting to hate that thing. I swear I thoroughly looked through it last night.

Anyway, I'm glad I remembered hearing about the free-phone-calling-site because it saved me this morning.

Happy Hunting!

1 comment:

Matt and Alissa said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is so awesome. I will so be using this. I have lost my phone so many times.