Friday, July 23, 2010

I just can't help myself.

I harbor a great love for Pyrex. But you know, it goes appreciated in the Pink House. I was scooping up ice cream last week into one of two Pyrex bowls I had. Kev wanted ice cream too, and he asked for a "pretty" bowl.

The only other one was dirty. So I went online to Etsy and bought these two. One is the perfect size for a couple of scoops of ice cream, and the other is perfect for marinading potatoes for the grill.

At under $15 for the bowls and shipping, I felt okay about it- especially since Kev specifically asked for a pretty bowl. I can't deny the man that request.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I think having some things to use that bring you joy is an important part of life:)