Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Due back in 3 weeks

As a lover of books (I just went to the library again today!) I think this would be the perfect notebook for me to keep in my purse. The cover is an upcycled library card! Inside are blank pages, just waiting for me to jot down a recipe, a wishlist, or a happy thought about my daughter.

Visit Crab Apple Designs for more.


Unknown said...

as an avid reader as well, thank you. I love fun things like this. You should look up and read Neil Gaiman's Newbery Award Speech for The Graveyard Book (a fun quick read if you wanted to know. About a boy who grows up in graveyard raised by ghosts, but he is a living boy...very interesting.). He talks about his love of reading from when he was a child on to adulthood. As a book lover it was moving and truly captured my feelings about reading. THere is a copy of it in the paperback version of the book, for the next time to head to the library if nothing else. I just lent my copy to a few book-lover. Even if you don't read the book, truly, read the speech.

Liv said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll add this to the list of book club books we need to consider for April.

Unknown said...

Just a warning, the beginning will kind of freak you out. Don't let it throw you. It is not scary or gory except for the first page or two when you are confused by what is happening, but no gore just the implication that there was some.