Friday, January 14, 2011

Delight in baby clothes

Ages ago I won an adorable onesie for Aspen from My Baby D and I'm just now getting around to sharing it with you. My excuse... is that I had to wait for Aspen's hair to be less ugly before I photographed her in the onesie.

From the size of that baby belly I'd say she definitely loves boobies. My Baby D also has breast pads that are washable and reusable, which is a great investment for any breastfeeding mom. I recieved a free set of 20 around the time Aspen was born and using them saved me a lot of money in those early days of new-motherhood.

Check out the shop for some other cute and funny onesies!


SueAnn said...

I have been searching for a onesie like that for Milo!

Matt and Alissa said...

That is hilarious.