Thursday, July 8, 2010

Delight in Old Navy

In my pregnancy, I've accumulated four of these foldover skirts from Old Navy. At $15 each, and with the fold that can cover my belly, it was totally worth the investment. I also plan to be able to wear them after baby comes since they fit so well under the bump.

I picked this seahores tee last week at Old Navy for $10 (in addition to my fourth foldover skirt). Anything that fits over the belly is worth it these days. And believe it or not, I purchased my first pair of skinny jeans as well. For only $15 I figured I should take the plunge.

I still need to get them hemmed, but I think it's pretty impressive that I took a risk and dared to even try them on. Who would have thought it possible to buy one's first pair of skinny jeans when 30 pounds overweight?


yourstrulydear said...

dang girl! impressive! :]

Debbie said...

I love Old Navy! And congrats on those skinny jeans:)