Thursday, May 13, 2010

I've always been a fan of breakfast.

Ok. Since moving away from Maine (for the second time) I've realized how much I like it. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I suppose.

Something I never thought I'd be obsessed with is Maine-made maple syrup. Specifically the kind that comes from Breakneck Ridge Farm. My mom has a regular lunch meeting at Macaroni Grill in Maine and her server (for like, 10 years) is the son of the farm owners. He would get my mom the hook up on their amazing syrup. I don't remember how my mom got me hooked, but she did.

I ran out of the syrup a couple of weeks ago and told my mom she MUST bring some when she visits and meets the baby in August. It's the best thing ever for pancakes, french toast and even your scrambled eggs (oh come on... admit that you like the flavor of the syrup when it touches your eggs).

This week I was surprised to find a package from my mom on my front porch. In it was the biggest jug of Breakneck Ridge Farm syrup I've ever seen. I don't know how my mom knew I was planning to make myself french toast on Saturday, but apparently she did. And now I'll get to eat my french toast with REAL maple syrup instead of Wal-Mart's wanna-be maple syrup.

I never knew how bad artificial syrup tastes until I tried to real stuff. Please, do yourself a favor and invest in some of this. It is so worth it. Even Kev will put it on his pancakes and he usually eats his completely plain (no butter or anything!).

If at all possible, I'm even more excited to make my french toast on Saturday after my yoga class. To boot, I'm going to make my own bread, slice it thick, and use it instead of store-bought. Look at me go!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Moms are the greatest. Breakfast food is also nice.

Dude, I LOVE syrup on my eggs. My dad makes hashbrowns from real potatoes. Dump some syrup on that, and I'm in heaven.