Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good movies.

Kev and I both had MLK day off so we went to a matinee. I thoroughly enjoyed "Sherlock Holmes." I'm a big fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and I even took a Holmes class in college. It was a full semester of reading the stories and watching ancient copies of the movies and comparing the two. Easiest class ever. I liked the volumes of stories so much that I bought my own weathered and worn copies as soon as the class concluded.

During the movie, Kev commented that he's really glad Robert Downey Jr. cleaned up his act. Me too. Otherwise we wouldn't have the Holmes movie or Iron Man (so excited that #2 is coming soon!).

Another movie we liked is "Invictus" with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. Kev took me and Sophia to see it while she visited during the Christmas Holidays. Such a great movie. I love when a movie can uplift you with its message- especially when it's based on a true story (like "The Blindside" I think I've mentioned before). Thank you, Nelson Mandela for being a leader in South Africa and helping the nation move past apartheid.

If you get a chance to see some movies in the near-future, check these out. I'm sure they'll be playing soon in $3/$1 theaters. Kev and I are lucky to have a great one down the street from our Pink House. Like we need more incentive to see movies together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved Invictus too! What a story. I really enjoyed how the story was told so that the major points were talked about but that it was still entertaining. Plus, I have a thing for Matt Damon and that surely didn't hurt watching him. ;)